As generous people, we believe in giving to provide resources to create a healthy community. You can give or donate in the following ways:
1. Cash
Use the offering envelopes and put in the offering basket during the service. Please don’t post cash.
2. Cheque
Make cheques payable to “Destiny Temple”
You can give it during the service or post your cheque to the church address:
Destiny Temple, Worcester Street, Kingsholm, Gloucester, GL1 3AS UK
3. Online transfer
Set up a standing order or online transfer using our Church bank details.
Destiny Temple Account number: 69121214 Sort code: 600902
4. Online
Simple and secure. You can give online instantly by using the button below.
Donations are non-refundable.
If you are a UK taxpayer, Destiny Temple can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give, at no extra cost to you. Simply complete the online Gift Aid declaration.